How does it work?
We process your assignment criteria and answer paper using OpenAI's GPT models.
The models learn from processing millions of words so it can have an understanding of what word goes where, which makes it really good at predicting and spotting patterns in our language. It learns stuff like grammar, reasoning, and context.
This makes it really useful to form personalised feedback for you as it takes all the words from your assignment and criteria into account, processes them, and generates new words that are relevant to you.
If you are interested in learning more about AI and its technical inner workings, head over to this article published by OpenAI.
Can I not just use ChatGPT?
Absolutely! It is free to use and allows for many different use cases. However, keep in mind there's a limit to how many words you can add in a single message.
With Mark This For Me, you are limited at 10,000 words and you can use it for free when you register. We make it easy for you to simply focus on your assignments and let us take care of the technical side of things.