Too long, didn’t read
- Enhances writing skills
- Encourages critical thinking
- Promotes self-editing
- Efficient and timely feedback
- Confidence building
See a real-world example of feedback our tool gave to one student at the very end!
1. ✏️ Enhancing writing skills️
Artificial intelligence tools, such as ChatGPT are focused and trained on human language. This makes it a perfect tool to use for long-form written content like assignments and reports where there is a lot of words to process and analyse. Our tool helps pin-point potential wording issues or areas in your assignments were you are not quite meeting the marking criteria provided.
2. ☁️ Encourages critical thinking
Rather than providing direct answers and spoon-feeding content like AI likes to do, we at Mark This For Me put extra effort to making sure our feedback to students does not give away answers. As some of us are students ourselves, we understand the fear AI tools can spark sometimes because we do not want to get in trouble with academia. Therefore, we ensure our tool gives feedback that encourages critical thinking and for students to incorporate it into their academic workflows.
3. 📝 Promotes self-editing
Once we start having other people or tools adding to our personal work, it becomes less personal and ‘our own’. This feeling can be quite demotivating and our work may feel foreign. Using AI tools or any other tools may induce similar feelings, which is where we come in! As our tool only provides feedback, you will never get the feeling that your work feels not your own anymore.
4. 🕔 Efficient and timely feedback
Got more than 5,000 words to read through and meticulously check it against your marking criteria to ensure you met all of it? Our AI tool helps to gain insight into things that you might want to check in more detail and may help you spot things you missed out. Of-course you should always double check your work manually, however having a tool that allows you to do quick checks here and there also helps. Almost instant feedback enables you to make necessary corrections promptly and submit your work before that tight deadline. With half a million words at your disposal every month for only £3.99 per month, adding AI to your academic workflow sounds like a no-brainer to be more efficient and save on time.
5. 🔨 Confidence building
Imposter syndrome is a common problem for students, we’re sure “I don’t think this writing is good enough” definitely crossed your mind at least once or a few times. Maybe an AI tool here and there might prove you wrong and give you feedback that gives you some confidence in your work and that you have covered all the basis with your marking criteria. This also means you can check your work without being embarrassed too much that your work is bad since no one will see it.
Here’s a real-world example of feedback given to a student
Is this fake? Nope.
Recently, one student we know had a deadline coming up and they needed to quickly check their work against their marking criteria. After manually reading through their work, they thought they covered all the necessary criteria to at least pass the module.
The AI says otherwise.

After reading the feedback given by our AI tool, the student realised they agree a lot with what the feedback identified. Their work was missing a few key aspects from the marking criteria they provided.
Start introducing AI into your academic workflow.Have your own thoughts on AI in academia? Send us a message 💻